Bleach. Enough already.
I know what you’re thinking - "But it works so well!! And it disinfects! What about COVID???"
I hear you, but let’s explore some of the harmful effects of using bleach.
1. The biggest effect is that it is absolutely TERRIBLE for the environment.
When cleaning with bleach, where do you think it ends up? Yup, the ocean and waterways. When bleach hits the waterways it mixes with other elements and minerals and creates a toxin called DIOXIN. Dioxin is one of the most dangerous chemicals in HISTORY that contributes to cancer, endocrine disorders, low sperm count, testicular cancer and breast cancer. Wildlife populations that have been exposed to bleach have been found to have cancerous cells and, unfortunately, when we eat these species, we are essentially ingesting it back into our bodies. No bueno!
2. Have you ever looked at the label on a bottle of bleach and saw that scary skeleton hand dipped into the liquid? Yikes! Bleach is highly corrosive, so when you clean with it, you’re inhaling these toxic fumes into your lungs which can cause myriad respiratory problems, skin and eye irritations.
3. Lastly, bleach cannot be mixed with other chemicals often used to clean your home, such as ammonia (windex), vinegar or even lemon juice! It creates a highly toxic chemical that can actually kill you if you inhale enough of it! (Just get Monika to tell you her story of cleaning with bleach and Windex back in the day. It wasn’t pretty).
So, what’s the alternative to bleach??
Two words- HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. You can see our Insta post on hydrogen peroxide and all the benefits. Essentially, it works the exact same way bleach does, but it’s environmentally friendly and non toxic! You can even rinse your mouth with it! Seriously, it’s the most underrated magic liquid out there. Oh, and for you people that are worried about killing COVID and other viruses? Hydrogen peroxide KILLS COVID!! Bonus!!
So let’s all make a pact to stop using bleach (or at least try and use less) and start replacing it with hydrogen peroxide. We would love to know how the switch goes for you!